If you want or need a new vehicle during this crazy time in our world’s history, you should be sure your finances are secure and you get the best deal on a loan you can. No one wants to buy a car to find out that their car loan will cost a fortune. There are steps you can take that will help you save when it is time to choose a car loan.
And I am here to help!
Here is what you can do to ensure that your money goes as far as it can when you are purchasing your next vehicle.
- Know your credit score.
- Research and get financing quotes.
- Keep your term as short as you can.
- Pay 20% and save.
- Pay for upgrades, taxes, and fees with cash.
Prior to signing anything, be sure you understand what is expected of you and that you have all of your questions answered. Our finance people are here to make sure you understand each and everything. A car loan should not be a hassle or cost you more than you can afford.
Hopefully, going into an appointment knowledgeable will help you get the results you are looking for. So, call me at 313 995 2025 to GET YOUR 4REAL DEAL!