Whether you and your family are on a long road trip or just left the grocery store, at some point, you may hear a voice calling out from the backseat, “I’m hungry!” If you drive with your family often, you learn quickly that someone is always hungry and looking for ways to get their hands on food, especially if it is right before mealtime.
Driving with kids who are cranky, restless, and need to eat is no fun. They might even ask if you could stop at a fast food place to grab something quickly, and although that would be easy to do, you find yourself wanting to provide healthier foods for them to eat during the drive.
Have no snack fear, you are now prepared with these couple of tips!
- Before your next vehicle ride, find a mid-size box that has several smaller boxes inside of it. This box should have an easy to open and close the lid. When you know you will be in your vehicle for a long period of time, fill this box with different types of healthy and fun snacks for you and your family to enjoy.
- Don’t forget bottled water. All that snacking will surely make everyone thirsty. Be prepared to quench that thirst with water or even juice boxes or sports drinks.
That’s it! You will snack like a pro when on the go in your car and ready for the next time your kids’ tummies start to grumble. If you are in the market for a larger vehicle to fit your family, contact me today! I would love to help put you in the perfect car for your family AND GET YOU A 4REAL DEAL!